Kat | Fold @ Proje 4L

Kurator: Nazli Gurlek
Proje 4L / Elgiz Cagdas Sanat Muzesi
23.03.2011 – 21.05.2011Acilis 23.03.2011, 18:00-20:30
Sanatcilar: Asli Cavusoglu, Francesca Grilli, Joana Kohen, Sumer Sayin, Emrah Sengun, Hale Tenger, Ignacio Uriarte
Proje 4L/Elgiz Cagdas Sanat Muzesi, Nazli Gurlek'in kuratorlugunu yaptigi Kat adli grup sergisinde Asli Cavusoglu, Francesca Grilli, Joana Kohen, Sumer Sayin, Emrah Sengun, Hale Tenger ve Ignacio Uriarte'nin yapitlarini bir araya getiriyor.
Proje 4L / Elgiz Cagdas Sanat Muzesi tarafindan Proje Odasi icin bir sergi hazirlamaya davet edilen Nazli
Gurlek, sergiyi muze koleksiyonunun sundugu imkanlar uzerine kurdu ve Hale Tenger'in koleksiyonda yer alan Otoportre (Kirik Plak/Perpetual Motion) (2005) adli yapitini serginin kavramsal cercevesini esinlendiren is olarak secti. Kat, Tenger'in ''otoportresi'' ile Asli Cavusoglu, Francesca Grilli, Joana Kohen, Sumer Sayin, Emrah Sengun ve Ignacio Uriarte'nin islerini bir araya getirerek iliskilendirmeyi amacliyor.
Hale Tenger'in yapiti bir hurdaci dukkaninin fotografinin yaninda Perpetual Motion grubunun surekli sessizce donup duran Keep on Dancing plagini bir araya getiriyor. Sanatcinin, zamanin akisina dair oznel deneyimini birikmis imge, nesne ve anilar ile gorunur kilmasi, bizi, onun oznellik arayisiyla kisisel olanin karmasik dunyasini arastiran Asli Cavusoglu, Francesca Grilli, Joana Kohen, Sumer Sayin, Emrah Sengun ve Ignacio Uriarte'nin isleriyle yakinlik aramaya itiyor.Emrah Sengun'un heykelleri, sanatcinin topladigi ve bir araya getirdigi rastgele kirilmis ve catlamis seramik ve kil parcalarindan olusuyor. Francesca Grilli ve 87 yasindaki dedesi Giordano Bruno'yu bowling oynarken gosteren video insan iliskilerinde kalitim, kimlik ve mesafelesmenin anlamlari uzerine dusunuyor. Asli Cavusoglu, anonim bir grafitiyi sokaktan koparip galerinin icine neon bir obje olarak tasiyor. Bu obje, anonim yaraticisinin maskeledigi ''devrim'' ifadesini iceriyor. Ignacio Uriarte, standart ofis yasamindaki yontem ve araclari kullanarak sanat yapiyor, ''rutinin'' icinde sanatsal yaraticiligin imkanlarini arastiriyor. Sumer Sayin bir dizi obje ve basili malzeme ile parcali, kaygan ve tedirgin edici bir mekan yaratiyor, bireyin hem dogal hem de kurgulanmis cevreyle iliskisine dair sorular soruyor. Joana Kohen'in yerlestirmesi ise hem kiskirtici, hem utangac, hem duyumsal, hem de rahatsiz edici.
Sergide bir de ses sistemi yer aliyor. Sergilenen islere, sanatcilarin kendi secimi bir sarki eslik ediyor. Bu sarkilarin farkli dayanak noktalari, ozel tanimlama bicimleri, veya islerin gorselligiyle yuzlesen gizemli katmanlar olusturmasi amaclaniyor.
Kat, Proje 4L/Elgiz Cagdas Sanat Muzesi'nin yeni fikir, tema ve egilimlere ayrilmis bolumu olan Proje Odasi icin bagimsiz kurator Nazli Gurlek tarafindan tasarlandi. Sergi 23.03.2011 - 21.05.2011 tarihleri arasinda Proje 4L/Elgiz Cagdas Sanat Muzesi Proje Odalari'nda gorulebilir.
Sergi brosuru Vahit Tuna tarafindan tasarlandi.
Curated by Nazli Gurlek
Proje 4L / Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art
23.03.2011 - 21.05.2011
Opening: 23.03.2011, 6 pm - 8,30 pm
Artists: Asli Cavusoglu, Francesca Grilli, Joana Kohen, Sumer Sayin, Emrah Sengun, Hale Tenger, Ignacio Uriarte
Proje 4L / Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art hosts the group exhibition Fold, curated by Nazli Gurlek with works by artists Asli Cavusoglu, Francesca Grilli, Joana Kohen, Sumer Sayin, Emrah Sengun, Hale Tenger, Ignacio Uriarte.
Invited by Proje 4L / Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art to prepare an exhibition for the Museum's Project Room, Nazli Gurlek decided to focus her research on the possibilities of the museum's collection, and chose one particular work from the collection, Hale Tenger's Self-Portrait (Broken Record/Perpetual Motion) (2005) as the source of inspiration for the exhibition concept. Foldpresents Hale Tenger's ''selfportrait'' in relation to both new and old work by Asli Cavusoglu, Francesca Grilli, Joana Kohen, Sumer Sayin, Emrah Sengun and Ignacio Uriarte.
Hale Tenger's ''selfportrait'' brings together the photograph of a second hand shop, and Perpetual Motion's record Keep on Dancing spinning silently non-stop. The experience of the passing of time through the use of accummulated images, objects and memories become the source of inspiration to question the existence of an affinity between her work and Asli Cavusoglu, Francesca Grilli, Joana Kohen, Sumer Sayin, Emrah Sengun and Ignacio Uriarte's manifold researches on the complex nature of self-representation. Emrah Sengun's sculptures contain assembled fragments of ceramics and clay that the artist has collected. Francesca Grilli's video work shows the artist and her 87-year-old grandfather Giordano Bruno conversing while playing bowling, and reflects upon heritage, identification and distance in human relationships. Asli Cavusoglu appropriates an anonymous graffiti sign from the street and brings it into the exhibition space as a neon object of art. The object contains the term ''revolution'' masked by its anonymous creator. Ignacio Uriarte looks for the possibilities of artistic creativity using the methods and tools he has acquired while working as an administrator, and with ''routine'' as his main focus. A number of sculptures and printed material brought together by Sumer Sayin creates an uneasy, fragmented, and slippery space, and question the individual's relationship with both natural and constructed environment. Joana Kohen's installation piece is simultaneously provocative, embarrassed, sensuous and disturbing.
A specially designed sound system is set inside the exhibition. Works are accompanied by each artist's song of choice from which to take bearings, special paths to recognition, or mysterious elements that confront the visuality of the pieces.
Fold is concieved by Nazli Gurlek, independent curator and critic, for the Project Room, Proje 4L / Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art's dedicated space for for the latest ideas, themes and trends in contemporary art. The exhibition is on view at The Project Room at Proje 4L / Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art between 23.03.2011-21.05.
The exhibition leaflet is designed by Vahit Tuna.